Returns Policy
Cancellation can be made up to 48hrs after purchase.
If you need to cancel for any reason please contact me at
You are required to check the goods, at the time of delivery, any damage or shortages should be noted on the delivery receipt. If any item is badly damaged, refuse the item and contact me immediately.
Defective goods found after this time must be notified to handmade in Bucks within 24 hours of delivery.
Goods must be returned in their original packaging.
In the event of a damaged item, the product will either be replaced or the value of defective goods will be reimbursed to the customer only on receipt to us, and confirmation of defects.
If a non-damaged item is to be returned, then the customer must notify Handmade in Bucks within 24 hours of receipt of the goods.
As all my items are made to order if a customer either cancels an order after manufacture, or changes their mind after delivery then Handmade in Bucks cannot offer a refund as all items are made to order in your size and colour so please choose carefully before you order.
For any queries please email